Thursday, September 25, 2014

Getting what you like ? Or liking what you got?

It's been a long long time since my blog has been updated. And since it is not for anyone, or any specific purpose other than to clear my head and to just put down my thoughts, even I never bothered. But now, for some time, my head has been full of thoughts, different kind of thoughts. So, here I am, again trying to untangle it.

A quote I really liked and believed in was "Try to get what you like, otherwise, you'll be forced to like what you get!" Don't remember how I came across it, but I always believed in it, when I was younger, and life was full of possibilities. But now, I wonder how much of truth is there in it? You can try with all your might to get what you like. But what if, after you get it you realize that you don't like it anymore. Or it is not what you thought it was. Or even worse, what if it was just the challenge in attaining it that made you want it so badly. And once you've attained it, then there's no challenge and it doesn't look worthy of all the trouble you went through to get it.

And as you grow, as time goes on, your outlook changes, your point of view changes and your priorities change. And then everything changes! And it could mean that, you'll still be forced to like, what you thought you had liked in the first place.