Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Purpose of Life... ?

"What's the purpose of life?"

To this, I'm sure most people would say that 'each person has a different purpose in life'. But my question is not what each person's different purpose in life is, my question is, "What is the purpose of life, in general?". If you take the life of an average man, he is born somewhere, some time, to some parents. Then he grows up, and some time during his life, starts working, then gets married, has kids, and dies. This is the life of an average man, and his son and his son and so on. So, what is the purpose of life? People are born everyday, different people. Of-course I agree that no two persons are alike. Each one is unique. And if you go into the details of each person's life, yes, it's different. But, when taken in the broader sense, it's all the same. And, what is the purpose of such a life, such a cycle that goes on and on with just different people?