Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Choices... Decisions...

Some people say that our lifes and the course it takes is predetermined. That, it's our "Fate". Well, I dont think so! I think it's the choices we make. Our lifes are formed by the choices and decisions we take. And hence, we are the ones responsible for how our life turns out.

Recently, I read a book, or rather, read the first few pages. From that, I formed a theory. Yes, our lifes are predetermined, to some extent. It's like a set of lines, or like a flowchart/ tree-diagram. For each person, it starts from a single line and wherever choices are to be made, it branches out into the number of options. And when a person takes a decision, he decides to go in that path, leaving all the other paths offered to him by all the other options. And those paths are lost to him forever. One person's entire life, would be a huge diagram, with a lot of branches, going out in different directions. And at the end of one's life, there would be one highlighted path, showing the path actually taken, and all other options and paths, greyed out.

Sometimes I wish I could take a look at the entire diagram of my life, and take decisions knowing the path and the end-result of each option. About some of the decisions/ choices I've taken in the past, I still wonder, 'was that the best option? what would've happened had I taken the other option? where in the world would I have been by now?'

And I keep wondering... and wondering... about all such decisions/ choices... :)


  1. Nice.. Very true.. and a very good way of describing it.. :)
    The way I look at it.. its always better to just say "Ok, I made that decision, be it good or bad.. now I should live by that decision... rather than think what if i had made a different decision" Just a thought.. :)

  2. @Sam : Any opinion?
    @Beni: What u said is true, and I generally dont regret my decisions, but I like to imagine, like a story, the course my life would've taken, had I gone for another option. :)

  3. very visual way to put it.. but one choice we do have is to be a jack of all or master of one... i choose jack of all, it doesn't put me in a position to ponder abt "what ifs..?"

  4. Shilpa, I think u've got it wrong... I'm not talking only about those situations where u can choose one or more options, I'm talking about those situations where you just have to choose one option and leave the rest. Similar to situations that include option buttons, and not checkboxes. ;)

  5. Better option ... forget all these and live life as it comes... The more we think the more lines we will come across ... keep it simple. Live life the way u want ... and forget philosophy, thats for someone else .. not for u n me :D !!

  6. Wow...radio buttons and Check boxes...I like this concept...web designing impact :)

  7. @Twinnie : I do want to look at all possible options / lines. 'Coz I don't want to later say that it was "Fate", or give any excuse/ explanation. I take full responsibility for my decisions/ actions, irrespective of my feelings/ emotions/ circumstances. I don't think any of those things are any sort of excuse for screwing up my life or somebody else's life, or for that matter, spoiling anything.

    @Sam : Thanx :) And thanx for that homepage on ur site. I felt honoured :)

  8. I agree with ur thoughts. I always think that some of the decisions/ choices I've taken in the past was the best option? When I take another option things may be better. But I couldn't complaint to fate. Bcz our decisions r our own. We took it and experience the gudness/ badness. If it is gud we didn't bother.
