Friday, September 4, 2009

Moments... Memories...

So many things so happen in life, some we can and some we can't explain. We might try to find reasons or explanations to these, but deep down inside, we still know, that these are special to us in some way, some unexplainable way. Some such incidents, some such people, some words spoken in such situations linger in our minds for a very long time, maybe forever. And most such memories bring a hint of a smile to our lips, or a twinkle in our eyes. And some times it is accompanied by a slight pain, a sweet pain.

Most such memories are of chance incidents, things which we had never imagined, or sometimes, stuff that usually happens only in dreams. And it could just be the unreality of it that made us remember it, or as I said earlier, no matter how much we try to find reasons/ explanations, it needn't be found.

And the people who stay in our minds, they could be people we've just met once, and said bye even before we could call them friends. And they'd have lingered in our minds for a long time before we ever thought of trying to contact them, and by then it would have been too late. The phrase "could have been", how sad it sounds...

Some people would be a part of our daily life for long, and we would never find them special or important. But once they are no longer a part of out lives, we realize how special they were to us. And in most cases, we would've lost contact by then (or we think that we dint mean much to them, and hesitate contacting them) and they become a part of our memories, and we miss them - a sweet pain.

But there are some people, who we know are special in some way, right from the start. But for some reason, or due to situations, we lose them. Sometimes we lose them due to some mistake of ours, or theirs, sometimes due to misunderstandings, due to ignorance, due to negligence, due to stupidity and sometimes due to ego clashes. In some cases, we get them back after a period of time, as time is the best healer. But in some cases, we never get them back and they leave a void in our hearts. We are not aware of it all the time. Only when we think of them, and the memories flash through our minds. Then we feel a slight pain, and we become aware of the small void in our hearts, which was formed when they took away a bit of it with them. It still is a wonderful feeling, as it confirms the depth of the happiness or joy that we experienced, during the times we spent with them. Only a heart that can burst into tears, can leap with joy. And I think it's better to live a life with such ups & downs than to live without ever letting your heart feel anything, living in the safe zone. Let your heart feel.

There are some words, sounds, songs, movies, smells, tastes and of-course photos, that trigger a rush of memories, some mixed with a slight pain. But I love it, and I still let my heart feel, to its fullest, 'coz I love life and want to get the most out it, or rather, make the most out of it.


  1. Beautiful insight... I personally do not enjoy the void and rejoice at how deep the feeling had been.. it just makes me regret.. and now i make it a point i don't let anything make that void... but some things are just unavoidable...

  2. Even I'm talking about those unavoidable viods... Given a choice, even I would'nt let those voids happen... :)
