Thursday, January 21, 2010

Why do we do the things that we do?

Yes, exactly that is my question! Why do we do the things that we do? I know, when it comes to work, we do it for a living or to earn money. But, is it something we like doing. Ok, to all those who love their work, go ahead, continue with your work. But all others, why do you do this work, and not something else? And, apart from our work, which pays us, there are lots of other things that we do, which I just wonder why we do. Like, for example, reading the newspaper. Why do people actually read the newspaper? How does it matter what some other country is doing, or who won in some sports, or for that matter, most of what the politicians say? They mostly say something and do something else, so how does it matter. And other things, like going to some party, when you are not in a mood for partying, or when it's some party where you know only the host and no one else and you're sure you're gonna get bored, or even worse, just because host is a relative, whom you don't even like. I know why most of us go, because of social obligations. But why do we have to bother about that? I'm not saying I don't do these things, I do, but I do them only when the other option upsets someone important to me. I'm just wondering, why do we have these social obligations, or social norms.

Well, I know that we can go against these social norms. I've seen such people. And generally they are called weirdos. Isn't it ironic, that those who do what they like to do are called "weirdos" and those who do the things that they don't like to do, just because they want to go by all the rules of the society are called normal people?

I know some people who just do what they like. They just do what they like, (without troubling or creating problems for anyone else). They don't bother about what others might think or say about them. They might sing loudly while walking on the road, if they feel like it. Or just sit and read a book or listen to music if they feel like it, even if they are with somebody else. And they are generally happy, because they don't have to keep complaining about the things that they are forced to do. Because they don't do anything if they don't want to do it. But they are generally very genuine people. So, they never talk behind anyone's back. Whatever they have to say, they say it right on the face, to the concerned person, not to other people. Why are they called weirdos? They are the ones who are normal. I like being with such people. It's when I'm with such people that I'm most comfortable. That's when I don't have to think twice before doing whatever I like doing, 'coz they accept me as I am and don't expect me to behave differently for their sake. Wish I had to deal with only such people. That would definitely make sense of why I do what I do. Thank God, most of my friends belong to this category. :)


  1. Hey, totally agree with you. But it's very difficult to be genuine. Sometimes we have to pretend in the society to make ourselves look normal. The best example is our hair :) I don’t think it is really necessary on our head. Just to look good and look normal like others, we grow our hair.

    When it comes to the reading newspapers, knowing about the current affairs, sports, politics etc., even I don’t like them. As u said most of the people say something and do something else.

    Every time whenever we are in a group we can not talk things which we show interest. For ex: I like Photoshop designing, advertising and creative stuff. But I cannot always talk about these things with others. I have few 'designer friends' who hesitate to discuss about designing. So I know people read newspaper to participate in formal discussions happen in lunch hours, etc.

    One more thing about the work, I myself feel lucky that I am doing what I thought of doing. In fact I am living my passion like Sachin or Rehman. No doubt about it. But I think if I am not wrong 60% of the people end their education careers mechanically. For example, engineering students, they do that because they have to do it. These ‘60%’ people live their parents’ dreams. They don’t even get a chance to know what their actual interest is. Their parents kill their dream with their dreams when they are in the form of embryo.

    You are right, if we can do what we like and like what we do with out troubling others. It’s very good. I strongly agree with that and I am one of its kinds.

  2. Yes Sam, when I said "most of my friends belong to this category", u were definitely included in that group. To be frank, I can only feel that real closeness to people like this, and never to hypocrites. Thanx, for elaborating on my idea, with examples. :)

  3. Its a luxury to do what we feel like .. cool that u have lots of people who can stand that. But trust me its not that easy to find the genuine pepl :) ... most of us are bound by the so called thoughts of the socitey and how they visualise us ;) !! Hope the world changes :) !
