Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Growing up...

"Wow, it really snowed last night! Isn't it wonderful? Everything familiar has disappeared! The world looks brand new! A new year... a fresh, clean start! It's like having a big white sheet of paper to draw on! A day full of possibilities! It's a magical world, Hobbes, ol'd buddy... ...let's go exploring!"

This was the words of a Calvin & Hobbes strip. This made me think. When we were kids, we always had so many plans, so many possibilities and the idea of something new always got us excited. I guess it's the same with kids all over the world, in all eras. What happens when we grow up? We are so eager to grow up, to do the many things which are forbidden to us as kids, to live without asking permission for everything, to take control of our lives, to live it the way we want. And once we are grown up, we realize, that our lives are not in our control all the time. Most times it is in our control, but at the crucial times, somebody else has the controls. A still worse situation is when you have the control, but either there are so many constraints that you are, in a way, forced to take a decision that you don't like; or you have no clue which decision to take. You are totally clueless as to which option would take you where. Hmm... now I dont want to talk anymore about decision-making. I've done that already.

I'm just wondering what happened to all our hopes and dreams, that we had when were kids. Where did we loose them? I'm consciously using the term "we" and not "you" or "I". Because, I've been talking to many of my friends and all of them said the same thing. Everyone wishes to get back to those old days; college days, school days... basically childhood or even adolescence.

What a stark difference it is! When we were kids, we had so many things to do, and we never had enough time, with all the classes, homework, exams and what not. Then, we would think that we would do all these when we grow up. And now when we are grown up, we don't even remember half the things. And the other half, doesn't interest us anymore. And for the things that we would like to do, we don't have our friends with us.

And if we are not slogging in our offices, if we happen to get out early, we are bored, there is nothing to do. Imagine what we would do, if one day we didn't have much work and got home early unexpectedly, and there is no power and there is something wrong with the internet connection and the phone is extremely low on charge. Well, I don't know what I would do in such a situation. And I'm sure many of you also would be in the same situation. When we were kids we never used to depend too much on phone or computer to spend time. In fact, spending time was never an issue, only lack of time was the issue. What went wrong? When? Where? Whenever I asked this question to anyone, the answer I got was, "Well, we grew up." I never knew growing up was such a bad thing. :(

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Choices... Decisions...

Some people say that our lifes and the course it takes is predetermined. That, it's our "Fate". Well, I dont think so! I think it's the choices we make. Our lifes are formed by the choices and decisions we take. And hence, we are the ones responsible for how our life turns out.

Recently, I read a book, or rather, read the first few pages. From that, I formed a theory. Yes, our lifes are predetermined, to some extent. It's like a set of lines, or like a flowchart/ tree-diagram. For each person, it starts from a single line and wherever choices are to be made, it branches out into the number of options. And when a person takes a decision, he decides to go in that path, leaving all the other paths offered to him by all the other options. And those paths are lost to him forever. One person's entire life, would be a huge diagram, with a lot of branches, going out in different directions. And at the end of one's life, there would be one highlighted path, showing the path actually taken, and all other options and paths, greyed out.

Sometimes I wish I could take a look at the entire diagram of my life, and take decisions knowing the path and the end-result of each option. About some of the decisions/ choices I've taken in the past, I still wonder, 'was that the best option? what would've happened had I taken the other option? where in the world would I have been by now?'

And I keep wondering... and wondering... about all such decisions/ choices... :)

Friday, September 4, 2009

Moments... Memories...

So many things so happen in life, some we can and some we can't explain. We might try to find reasons or explanations to these, but deep down inside, we still know, that these are special to us in some way, some unexplainable way. Some such incidents, some such people, some words spoken in such situations linger in our minds for a very long time, maybe forever. And most such memories bring a hint of a smile to our lips, or a twinkle in our eyes. And some times it is accompanied by a slight pain, a sweet pain.

Most such memories are of chance incidents, things which we had never imagined, or sometimes, stuff that usually happens only in dreams. And it could just be the unreality of it that made us remember it, or as I said earlier, no matter how much we try to find reasons/ explanations, it needn't be found.

And the people who stay in our minds, they could be people we've just met once, and said bye even before we could call them friends. And they'd have lingered in our minds for a long time before we ever thought of trying to contact them, and by then it would have been too late. The phrase "could have been", how sad it sounds...

Some people would be a part of our daily life for long, and we would never find them special or important. But once they are no longer a part of out lives, we realize how special they were to us. And in most cases, we would've lost contact by then (or we think that we dint mean much to them, and hesitate contacting them) and they become a part of our memories, and we miss them - a sweet pain.

But there are some people, who we know are special in some way, right from the start. But for some reason, or due to situations, we lose them. Sometimes we lose them due to some mistake of ours, or theirs, sometimes due to misunderstandings, due to ignorance, due to negligence, due to stupidity and sometimes due to ego clashes. In some cases, we get them back after a period of time, as time is the best healer. But in some cases, we never get them back and they leave a void in our hearts. We are not aware of it all the time. Only when we think of them, and the memories flash through our minds. Then we feel a slight pain, and we become aware of the small void in our hearts, which was formed when they took away a bit of it with them. It still is a wonderful feeling, as it confirms the depth of the happiness or joy that we experienced, during the times we spent with them. Only a heart that can burst into tears, can leap with joy. And I think it's better to live a life with such ups & downs than to live without ever letting your heart feel anything, living in the safe zone. Let your heart feel.

There are some words, sounds, songs, movies, smells, tastes and of-course photos, that trigger a rush of memories, some mixed with a slight pain. But I love it, and I still let my heart feel, to its fullest, 'coz I love life and want to get the most out it, or rather, make the most out of it.

Monday, July 27, 2009

The Beauty of Hyderabad (skies)

These are some of my clicks. This is just the beauty of Hyderabad (or, rather Hyderabad Skies) seen through my eyes. It's a wonderful city, with wonderful people. I love that city, and I've had an amazing time there. Now I'm left with a few photos and a bunch of beautiful memories...

Outside DLF

On the way from Hi-Tech station to Hi-Tech City

On the way from Hi-Tech station to Hi-Tech City

That's not a spot, it's a plane...
View From DLF

In this also, there is a plane...
View From DLF

This is also part of Hyderabad, not some forest... :)


Near Lingampalli Railway Station

Buffalo Lake

Near Lingampalli Railway Station


Near Lingampalli Railway Station

These two photos are the remains of some very happy times... look at the time they were taken... ;)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Soulmate... what does that mean? Is it just a concept, or is there some truth in it? The first time I gave that term any thought was when I read the book 'Brida', by Paulo Coelho. The main theme, or the concept around which the book is written itself, is 'Soulmate'. For some time after I finished reading that book, I used to firmly believe in the concept. I used to follow Coelho's blog also, to learn more about this. And later started reading up anything I could find, on Soulmates. So, I've come across different theories about Soulmates.

According to one theory, all the souls are essentially part of the 'Soul of the universe'. And this means, one soul can have more than one Soulmate, and they need not be of the opposite gender. In short, it is not necessary that your Soulmate should be your life partner. Your Soulmate can be your life partner, and if it is so, it's like the best thing to happen. But if it is not, still it'll be fine. And it is not necessary that you'll meet your Soulmate in your life, you might, you might not.

According to a slightly different theory (Coelho's), you definitely have one Soulmate, and you'll come across that person sometime in your life, and it is your duty to recognize him/ her as your Soulmate, and start a life with that person. If you don't take the steps necessary to start a life with that person, and you let him/ her go, you'll regret that for the rest of your life. And there are very unlikely chances that you have more than one Soulmate.

Still another theory states that you have lots of Soulmates (as all souls are part of the Soul of the universe) and you keep meeting them. (I find it kind of weird)

And still another theory states that each person's soul is a half, and you have to find the other half and make that person your life partner. (I find it kind of 'fairytale-ish') According to this theory, your life is a search for your Soulmate. (If that's the case, what when you find your Soulmate? Does your life become purposeless after that?)

Well, the more I read about Soulmates, I find more and more conflicting theories. It sure is interesting to read about all these theories, but sometimes I do wish I could find out the truth about this. (Though I do wonder what 'Truth' means when it comes to things like this.)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Relationships!!! What complicated stuff! It is something that begins along with your life. You get a bunch of people you call your family/ blood relations. Whether you like it or not, they are your relations and it's up to you whether to maintain those relations, as you go on in life.

But in the initial years these relations define your identity, or it is through these relatives that you are known: "Somebody's son/ daughter", "Somebody's brother/ sister", "(s)he is from that family". For some time, this goes on as your sole identity, and these relatives, the only ones you have.

Then, in the next stage, you discover a new kind of relationship: FRIENDSHIP. This is a completely different kind of relationship; formed out of choice. This is a relationship where you don't have any obligations. No strings attached. You are free to choose your friends. A friendship develops only when there is mutual understanding, mutual trust and develops between people who have the same wavelength. In the childhood days, you start exploring the world with your friends. and you discover a special joy in this new relationship, the joy of being understood perfectly well. These are the people who like the same things you do, have the same sort of doubts that you have, want to do the same sort of things that you want to, and those ones to whom you wont feel any hesitation in pouring your heart out, without the fear of being misunderstood.

Then comes the next stage, time for the most complicated of all relationships: love/ romance/ attraction/ infatuation/ crush... the list of words to describe this relationship is endless. People have come up with many different words, to specifically define each variation of this feeling, still, it goes undefined. It's way too complicated to compress in a few words.

In every phase of life you start new relationships. You don't sacrifice your family when you get friends, but you are ready to sacrifice any other relationship for the sake of love. And usually it is the friendships that suffer the most. 'You cannot ignore your family. They are your family. Whatever you are today is because of them. You owe them so much. You have your obligations.' You are obliged to do certain things for your family. And that goes for the family you start/ build also. But friends? No, they are not demanding. They leave it up to you, to make your choice, to take your decisions. They understand your situation, and never complain. They'll definitely miss you, but they let you be what you want to be, and let you do what you want to do.

But when you have problems in life, problems in your relationships, when your boyfriend/ girlfriend leaves you, it's your friends who will stand by you, help you out, find solutions for you, cheer you up, and help you move on in life; the same friends whom you'd forgotten when you were busy with other relationships.

If you call up an old friend after a long time, may be years later, you get a happy response; they never complain that you dint call earlier. And once you hang up after a long conversation, refreshing old memories, you feel so happy. You feel the same happiness that you've experienced with that person.

What other relationship is there in this world, which is so beautiful, so undemanding and so easy to maintain!