Thursday, December 16, 2010

Missing... but what?

"We're all lonely for something we don't know we're lonely for. How else to explain the curious feeling that goes around feeling like missing somebody we've never even met?"
-David Foster Wallace

This is something that I read once going through some quotes site. But this particular quote stayed in my heart. I guess it's 'coz I've felt this feeling. And I often do. Like missing someone I've never met, or missing something, but I can't explain what. I've tried to figure out what it is that I'm missing, some old times? or some old friends? But no. I know for sure that it's not anything or anyone I've ever known. Then, how can I miss it?

I know it doesn't sound logical. But, well, all facts needn't be logical, right? And it's never permanent. It's only for a while. And whenever I feel this, I feel like going for a walk, somewhere nice. Somewhere, there is lots of greenery, maybe under a canopy of trees, a long road, with scarce traffic. Oh, I'd love to go for a walk in some place like that, all by myself. But I never get to do that. I've never found any such place in Bangalore. And then something or other comes up and I get busy, and no time to miss this unknown. :) I forget the feeling itself. Or, maybe, I only push it aside. And maybe, that's why it comes up again. Wish I could find out exactly what it is that I'm missing...

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